Responsive Web Design with Media


  1. Basics of Web Design by Terry Felke-Morris, 5th edition, p.280
  2. Wikipedia: Media (Communication)
  3. Mozilla Developer Network on HTML3
  5. YouTube: Lisa Friedrichsen "Principles of Responsive Web Design"
  6. YouTube: Ralph Phillips "Embed Responsive Videos with YouTube iframe and Video Tag
  7. Web 110 Catalog,
  8. Sunset image on home page - Ray Martin 2018
  9. JCCC Logo on a sign image - Ray Martin 2017
  10. Windmill on JCCC Campus image - Ray Martin 2017
  11. Leaf Walk Images - Ray Martin 2018
  12. YouTube: "Hello World" - Ray Martin, Music- "Mr. Tea" by Rondo Brothers courtesy of YouTube Free Music Audio Library
  13. Forgiveness Music Bed - Ray Martin 2019 commissioned for use in videos at
  14. Facebook Information: statista
  15. YouTube Information
  16. Vimeo Information
  17. Dailymotion Information
  18. Thanks For Visiting Video - Ray Martin 2019 (Stock Final Cut Pro Title Animation)
  19. Wikipedia: PDF

Visual Studio Code Screenshot


There are many different types of links used in this project to connect information. Examples include:

External Page

When linking to a page that is not within this site, one references the exact URL in the a tag.
<a href="">JCCC</a> It's good practice to also include target="_blank" in order to open that link in a new window.

Internal Page

To reference pages within the same folder of a website it is only necessary to include the name of the page.
<a href="final5.html">Contact</a>
Ex: Contact

Within a page

Some authors can be long winded! When content is going to scroll down several page lengths it can be helpful to include links within the page. An example is on the home page of this project. This practice can also be helpful for smartphone users because their screens are narrow and cause page content to be more vertical. One must name the section with an id and simply reference that in the tag. <a href="#withinAPage">Within a page</a>


An email link will open the devices default email program and initiate a new message to the address referenced.
<a href="">Email Ray</a>
Ex: Email Ray

File Download

Sharing files that are not viewable in a web browser is a common way to pass along documents from one person to another. This is when a download link is used. One references the link to the file itself to begin the download when clicked.
<a href="../media/helloworld.xls">Download</a>
Ex: Download